Schedule & Activities

Below please find a schedule to give you an idea of what is going to happen when at the event, and also a copy of the last minute information sent on Tuesday before the event - keep scrolling.


Friday, 12.01.24

17:00 Site opens

18:30 Travellers Fare

20:00 Dancing

Saturday, 13.01.24

08:00 - 10:00 Breakfast

10:00 - 11:30 Last Court of Sven & Siobhán and Coronation

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch

12:00 - 14:00 Peer Garden*

12:00 - 16:00 Market*

13:00 - 14:00 Queen’s Heavy Weapons Champion Tourney

14:00 - 16:00 Drachenwald Donation Derby*
15:00 - 15:30 Pimp your Nib and other C&I tips & tricks

16:30 - 18:00 First Court of Stigot & Lofnheiðr 

19:00 Feast

after Feast Dishwashing Party

from 20:30 Dancing

Sunday, 14.01.24

08:00 - 10:00 Clear out & sweep rooms/chalets

08:00 - 10:00 Breakfast

10:00 - 12:00 Clean-Up

08:00 - 12:00 departure

* For more info scroll down.

Peer Garden - 12:00 - 14:00

Market - 12:00 - 16:00

This market is a flea market, anyone is welcome to lay their wares out on a table to sell! Might be a good opportunity to buy what you really wanted for Christmas.

Drachenwald Donation Derby - 14:00 - 16:00

This is a largesse Donation Derby, with a focus on items for children! To participate:

There will be a populace choice voting system in place. The winner will get to keep one of each entrant's items, all other entrants will get to choose one item and the rest will be put into their Majesties coffers.

Any questions about the Drachenwald Donation Derby can be sent to the organizer, Geirdís Geirhardardóttir at geirdis.geirhardardottir @

Last Minute Info

This was sent out by email on Tuesday - posted here just in case it disappeared in your spam folder.

(⇩Deutsche Version unten)

🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇳 Greetings travellers to 12th Night Coronation!

It’s only a few days more! Here are the latest updates, reminders and tips to make the event enjoyable and safe for all.

Very Important:

A special request:



Packing essentials

Please bring…

✅ electric LED candles of all sizes (warm colours preferred, please avoid harsh white light)

✅ enclosed lanterns with real candles or warm LEDs.

✅ stubby, short real candles in bowls (not flat plates) which are wider than the length of the candle.

✅ tealights if placed in bowls or glasses. 

❌ NO tall candles or candlesticks which can fall down or drip, please.

🙏🏻 Please never leave a candle unattended!

Before you travel:

When you arrive: 


We look forward to welcoming you to the 12th Night Coronation!

Your Coronation Event Team


🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭Grüße an die Reisenden zur 12. Nacht Krönung!

Es sind nur noch ein paar Tage! Hier sind die neuesten Updates, Erinnerungen und Tipps, damit das Event für alle angenehm und sicher wird.

Sehr wichtig:

Eine besondere Bitte:




Bitte mitbringen…

✅ elektrische LED-Kerzen aller Größen (warme Farben bevorzugt, bitte vermeidet grelles weißes Licht)

✅ geschlossene Laternen mit echten Kerzen oder warmen LEDs.

✅ kurze, untergesetzte echte Kerzen in Schalen (nicht flache Teller), die breiter als die Länge der Kerze sind.

✅ Teelichter, wenn sie in Schalen oder Gläsern platziert sind.

❌ KEINE hohen Kerzen oder Kerzenständer, die umfallen oder tropfen können, bitte.

🙏🏻 Bitte lasst niemals eine Kerze unbeaufsichtigt!

Bevor ihr reist:

Wenn ihr ankommt:


Wir freuen uns darauf, euch zur 12. Nacht Krönung willkommen zu heißen!

Euer Krönungs-Event-Team